For nearly 50 years, Andre Skalina’s talents and vision have been essential to Dielectric’s leadership position in the broadcast industry. As VP of Engineering (1994-2011) and later VP of Technology (2011-present), his disciplined focus and thoughtful leadership were instrumental to Dielectric’s success in support of the industry’s most challenging initiatives, from the original US DTV conversion to UHF spectrum repack.

The time has come for Andre to enjoy a well-deserved retirement. Over the past several years, Andre has worked behind the scenes with our young engineering talent to bring his final project, our RFHAWKEYE IP-based monitoring solution, to life. His work on RFHAWKEYE and other major engineering projects such as unique designs for building tops like the Empire State Building has set the stage for the next generation of Dielectric innovations.

“Andre’s legacy is clear – he will be remembered as a disciplined engineer who carefully applied his knowledge in ways that have defined Dielectric’s reputation as a trusted manufacturer of high-quality antenna systems,” said Keith Pelletier, President, Dielectric. “He was also a leader by example, always striving for perfection in his own work while nurturing our younger talent in ways that helped them learn and succeed. He leaves us upon seeing through the launch of RFHAWKEYE, a crowning achievement and personal vision of his for 30 years. He leaves with the peace of mind that broadcasters can now have the same about their RF operations.”

Please join us in wishing Andre along and joyous retirement!